Wednesday, March 21, 2007

PayPerPost Vs Blogging Is Prostitution Vs Love

Jason McCabe Calacanis, founder of Weblogs Inc., has said "PayPerPost versus authentic blogging is like comparing prostitution with making love to someone you care for deeply." He also said, "No one with any level of ethics would get involved with these clowns," as quoted in an article on WOMMA's news site.

Controversies continue to build up on the companies like PayPerPost, Sponsored Reviews, Loud Launch etc. as WOMMA, the authority on Buzz Marketing, is constantly criticising this kind of marketing and is expected to build more stronger guidelines for bloggers and marketers. WOMMA is trying to put a more stringent disclosure policy for bloggers who write for money.

With all due respect to the WOMMA guidelines and, so called, A-List Bloggers Community, I would like to say that asking for a disclosure from a blogger getting paid as low as $5 for a review and not focusing on the big bloggers who get thousands of dollars in advertising revenue from their sponsors seems partial from a neutral organization like WOMMA.

Why should WOMMA criticize PayPerPost or Sponsored Reviews and leave the likes of Mashable or TechCrunch which are into big blogging business.

Would like to know the views of bloggers on this issue which sure will be catching heat in the coming days as per WOMMA's post.

My Disclosure: I follow Mashable and TechCrunch regularly for website and product reviews.

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