Thursday, March 29, 2007

Online ad spend leaves newspaper behind

This has happened for the first time in the history, online advertising in U.K. has finally managed to leave the the newspaper advertising in terms of market share.

As per the figures published by the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB), PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and the World Advertising Research Centre (WARC), the online advertising share in 2006 has increased to 11.4% from 7.8% in 2005. Advertisers spent more than £2bn in online advertisements which is more than £1.9bn spent on newspaper ads. It still remains half way behind the ad spend on T.V. which was £3.9bn in 2006.

Online advertising still remains dominated by search with close to 58% share of all the online advertising followed classified ads and online display ads.

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